
Here are some things I have done and not posted yet. There are some more but they have already continued their journeys and I didn’t take any pictures of them. I’ll go ahead and try to say a word or two about what you can see here. Scroll down to see what I’m talking about. 😉

First are a couple of bunnies of my (I guess one of the favourite patterns). The greyish one is a bit fluffy and the other one is made from using milk protein yarn – feels so soft and looks oh-so shiny and delishious. I paired it up with a super soft Pima Cotton yarn and it looks like a perfect vanilla-chocolate bunny. Or milk and chocolate if you wish. 😉

The second one is a military-man figure I did for my brother while he was serving his time in the Estonian Defence Force. It even has the tricolour flag embroidered on its sleeve. ^_^ Crappy picture as you can see but I guess I did it in the last minute again and thtat’s how it goes. These sort of pictures are what keep me from blogging. I actually don’t want to show them.

Next are the first mittens I ever crocheted. Made from a rather soft wool. Embroidered on some protective symbols from Estonian etymology. It was made as an order to my brother who gave them as a present for a nice young lady. This picture is even made using my phone I believe. The pattern is from a local magazine – Maret (first number – February ’13).

The tie-dye shirts and coloured yarns are all made as a one night dyeing event. First time so I guess not so bad. I like how the blue one turned out although it’s not one of my favourite colours to wear. I also especially love the yarns. They have more colours at the beginning and then turn more lighter as you get towards the inside of the yarn ball.

I made this bag with buttons on the top with the pinkish-purplish yarn. It turned out great. You can’t really see the bottom part but it has the most colours there.

The two hats on the balloons were made for my little cousin. They had to be vibrant in order his mom to see him clearly when he runs around the yard. I believe the brim was also wished for and one especially had to be like one of those newspaper boys hats in the olden times.

The dog with a green bow was a gift for my ex-co-worker. She really wished for a dog but couldn’t have one so I made her this. She loved it! The pattern is from here.

The rainbow .. plush was a random test. Not sure what that really is. (:

Chocolate cake with mint cheese cream and silver sprinkles – yumm!

The multicoloured cat in the middle was supposed to be a bunny as well but I ran out of yarn in the middle of the last ear. What I did was frogged the tail and the one ear that was ready and did some smaller cat ears and used the spare yarn for the tail. Can’t really see it from here but it goes until the back of its head and is mostly pink!

Yellow snail shape and the other yellow set few pictures lower from it was an order for a newborn photo prop. My first try. Didn’t really manage to take any great pictures without a baby inside them.

The white and purple shape is hard to explain. It was an order and it’s kind of an inside joke. It’s called “The Mark of Shame”.

These hunting trophies I made – I have made a bunch of them after the first one you have probably seen. I also made a bear, wolf and a wild boar. This one here sits on a trivet I also made using some scraps of a chunky cotton yarn.

Purple and gold square piece on the right edge is part of a challenge mixing knit and crochet. I use it as a trivet for my tea pot.

The pink cat was one of my first amigurumi attempts. Didn’t find it posted here somehow.

Alaskan Malamute was for a giveaway winner on my Facebook page. The winner was my classmate from high school. As she has a malamute whom she loves dearly she wished for a key chain shaped like him. It very much reminded me of the dog from the cartoon The Adventures of Small Penguin Lolo which used to be one of my favourites as a kid.

The phone case I made when I bought my (not so) new (any more) phone. It’s supposed to be a sakura branch there. I think I have misplaced it cause I haven’t seen it for a long time now.

The yellow elephant is made from corn-fibre yarn. Super soft and comfortable to use! The pattern is from Stephanie of All About Ami who translated it to English. The original artist is the Japanese Chisachi Kushima.

The Hello Kitty hats I made first for my paintball team. It was  3-man competition so only three – for me and two of my team mates. After that I got some orders so I mad 3 more for other team mates and one smaller one for ones kid. I guess you can call them quite a hit! 😀

This pink roll is the second attempt to do some Swedish Weaving. The towel and its squares were a bit smaller than usually so it was more tricky than I first assumed.

Both of the cross-stitchings are made on some samples between magazines. I love all sorts of Japanese stuff and this kokeshi looked so adorable so I just had to make it. It was a card which I gifted to my friend Linda from college. I made some other small cross-stitch projects that I gifted away but don’t have any pictures of.

Then there is a tiny cosy for my iPod and a simple cell-phone cover for my work phone on my previous job. The four-leaf-clover in a pot was also on a table there.

The clock I really thought I had shown you. It’s for a challenge in Crafteroo Magazine. You could join and then they’d send you stuff to make something cool from. You had no idea what it was. This was my result. The clock is in use and looks as adorable as ever.

The green bear was part of a gift to my brother again. He has similar hat as the bear which I knit for him a little before.

This Tototro is a giant! I don’t even remember but I believe I used some 5mm hook here. It’s taller than 30cm/12inches. Sitting proudly on my sofa. I used this larger blue Totoro pattern.

The bunny with a red hat is an absolute luxury! She’s made from the milk-fibre yarn I mentioned earlier and a wool and silk blend yarn. Her arms and legs move and she sits up really nicely. Lovely! Used this pattern.

Grey owl was an example for my first amigurumi class. It was at my work for some kids. Used this simple pattern.

The owl below it is a rattle which I made for a newborn relative. It went along with the striped elf hat. The rattle was 100% organic cottons and the hat was super soft Pima Cotton again.

Origami Yoda was also a part of a challenge. It was supposed to be something made of paper. I can tell it’s him, can you?

The yellow-green bunny is again the same pattern as the ones on the first picture here but I tried putting the ears standing up high on the head. Looks definitely different. What do you think, is it worth it?

The bowl that the bunny sits in is again part of the challenge – something made of beads. I used Hama beads and put them in muffin tray in my oven. Ruined the tray a bit and didn’t like the result so much either. The Idea is from a Pin I had seen sometime. Hey – at least I tried.

Muffin cup cosy is from a pattern by Twinkie Chan. I don’t have a mug that it would fit and I really don’t buy anything with cups that often so I fitted it nicely on glass. Not sure I made it, really, but the pattern was free for 48 hrs so I  went for it. It looks quite cute, right? Does anyone want it?

I believe you have seen the bigger sister of this doll. This time I used some finer yarn and 100% organic yarns. I believe the hook was a 1.75mm. I gifted it for my little cousin for Christmas. She loved it and her mother too! I was delighted. ^_^

Then there is the first coaster I ever made. Just to try. It stands on a small table next to our sofa and I put my tea cup (my tiny 0.5 litre one) on it all the time. There is another one in the same pattern but different colours just hanging around as well. It also finds use from time to time. Now I remember I also made a whole 6-piece set for my mum as well. Pattern is from here.

Amigurumi octopus was a gift for my little cousin. His mom wanted it really colourfull and good to grab from.

The Smurf was also for the same little boy but they are made at least a year apart. There was also a Papa Smurf included and Smurfette is yet to come. That’s actually one of the latest pieces I have made. As the red-hatted bunny and the oliphant. Here are the patterns.

The fuzzy-lacy piece is a doily blanket. It’s so soft! It has no owner yet so let me know if you’re interested! (:

The red-gold square thing is another coaster. It has a cork piece inside because I needed a thicker one for my PC table otherwise it’s surface turned all weird under the hot cup. Can’t find the pattern I used for the top, if you do just let me know! In the bottom there’s a regular granny square.

You may recognize the Fluffy Unicorn from Despicable Me. The pattern is from Little Yarn Friends. I used some wool instead of the feathers and felted them in place with a felting needle. Every day it sits next to my Totoro.

Another bunny – this time purple with a peach ear.

Next is Nublu the Rescue Dog. It originates from a children’s book by Jaan Rannap but is now also a mascot for the Estonian Rescue Board. I made it when I worked there.

The Cupcake bear was a gift for a friend who graduated high school a few years ago. Don’t think I had posted it here somehow. Perhaps because of the poor quality of the pictures again.

And one more bunny – all purple, made as an order and gifted away.

I know I have for sure made some mittens-scarvers-hats etc that haven’t been caught on pictures or perhaps something else but I guess that’s how it is. If you have any questions about a specific item let me know and I might make a fuller post about it or them. ^_^


Panin siia kokku mĂ”ned asjad, mida te veel ilmselt nĂ€inud ei ole. MĂ”ned on juba minu juurest edasi liikunud ka ilma pildistamata, seega see pole veel kĂ”ik. Üritan lĂŒhidalt ka iga asja kohta paar sĂ”na siia kirja panna.

Esimesed jĂ€nkud juba ilmselt tuttava (vĂ”ib vast öelda ka ĂŒhe mu lemmiku)mustri jĂ€rgi tehtud. Hallikas on selline kergelt karvane, teine on tehtud imelisest piimalĂ”ngast – ĂŒlipehme ja kauni lĂ€ikega. Paariliseks kasutasin seal kĂ”rval Pima puuvilla, mis on samuti ĂŒks pehmemaid ja mĂ”nusamaid lĂ”ngu, millega töötada. Kokku tuli selline ilus ĆĄokolaadi-vanilje (vĂ”i siis piima) jĂ€nku.

Teine on sĂ”durpoiss, kes valmis mu vĂ€ikevennale, kes parasjagu aega teenimas oli. Minu lemmik on sini-must-valge trikoloor tema kĂ€e peal, mis kĂŒll pildilt vĂ€lja ei paista. Ülipisike, aga oluline detail. Pilt pole just parima kvaliteediga, aga ju tegin ta jĂ€lle viimasel hetkel. Koledad pildid on ka ĂŒks pĂ”hjus, miks alati blogida ei taha kĂ”ike.

JĂ€rgmised on minu elu esimesed heegeldatud kĂ€pikud. Peale tikitud kaitsvad arhailised sĂŒmbolid. VĂ€ikevenna esitas soovi, et teha kena jĂ”ulukink toredale neiule. See pilt on vist isegi telefoniga tehtud seega, ma parem ei hakka kommenteerima seda kohta. Muster on ajakirjast Maret (1. number, veebruar ’13).

HappesĂ€rgid ja vĂ€rvitud lĂ”ngad valmisid kĂ”ik korraga. Esimese korra kohta kĂ€ib kĂŒll. KĂ”ige rohkem meeldib mulle, kuidas see sinine sĂ€rk vĂ€lja tuli, olgugi, et (hele)sinine pole mul lemmik vĂ€rvide hulgast just. Samuti meeldivad vĂ€ga need lĂ”ngad, mille otse keras Ă€ra vĂ€rvisin. Alguses on neil rohkem vĂ€rvi peal ja lĂ”pu poole lĂ€hevad aina heledamaks, pea valgeks.

See nööpidega kotike on tehtud selle roosakama-lillakama lÔngaga nendest. Mulle meeldib, kuidas ta vÀlja tuli. PÔhja poolt on ta veel vÀrvilisem, kuigi siit pildilt eriti nÀha ei ole.

Kaks mĂŒtsi, millede modelliks on ĂŒks Ă”hupall, tegin vĂ€ikesele sugulasele. Olulised mĂ€rksĂ”nad olid erk vĂ€rv, et ikka nĂ€ha oleks ja silma paistaks vĂ€ike tegelane igalt poolt, ning nokk. Teine, vĂ€hem erksam, kuigi seal on ka punast, mis jĂ€llegi pildilt vĂ€ga vĂ€lja ei paista, pidi olema selline sonimĂŒtsi moodi mĂŒts.

Rohelise lipsuga koera tegin endisele töökaaslasele sĂŒnnipĂ€evakingiks. Ta tahtis omale vĂ€ga koera, aga ei saanud omale seda vĂ”tta, nii siis tegingi talle selle. Muster on vĂ”etud siit.

VikerkaarevĂ€rviline loom on lihtsalt ĂŒks katsetus. Ma isegi ei tea, mis asi ta tĂ€pselt on. (:

Ć okolaadikook piparmĂŒdikohupiima ja hĂ”bedaste kaunistustega – mm, kui hea!

VĂ€rviline kass keskel pidi algselt olema jĂ€rjekordne jĂ€nes, aga mul sai viimast tĂŒkki, teist kĂ”rva, tehes lĂ”ng otsa. Harutasin siis need ĂŒles ja saba ka, tegin vĂ€iksemad kassikĂ”rvad ja kasutasin ĂŒlejÀÀki pikema saba heegeldamiseks. TĂ€itsa korralik pikk kassisaba tuli, kuigi siit vĂ€ga ta isegi ei paista. PĂ”hivĂ€rv sabas on roosa, vĂ€hese kollase aktsendiga.

Kollane tigu meenutav kuju ja sealt veidi all pool olev kollane komplekt olid tellimus fotosessiooniks. Minu esimene katsetus. Ei saanud neist eriti hÀid pilte, kuna polnud beebit vÔtta, keda sinna sisse modelliks panna.

Seda lillade servadega valget kujundit on keeruline seletada. Natuke nagu “oma naljaga” on tegu, “hĂ€bi mĂ€rgiks” nimetati seda.

Neid vĂ€ikesi trofeesid olen teinud ĂŒsna mitu. Lisaks pĂ”tradele ka karu, hundi ja metssea. Siin pildil on veel tal ĂŒks kuumaalus ka, mille ma tegin, et kasutada Ă€ra veidi ĂŒlejÀÀnud paksu puuvillast lĂ”nga.

Lilla kullakarva ÀÀristusega ruut on osa ĂŒhest vĂ€ljakutsest, kus pidi valmistama midagi kahes tehnikas koos – heegeldades ja kududes. Kasutan seda teekannu all kuumaalusena.

Roosa kass oli mu ĂŒks esimesi amigurumi katsetusi, aga pole vist teda siiani nĂ€idanud.

Alaska malamuut oli mu Facebooki lehe kingijagamise mĂ€ngu vĂ”itjale. Õnnelik vĂ”itja oli mu kunagine klassiĂ”de Marie. Kuna tal on endal ka imearmas malamuut, soovis ta just tema kujulist vĂ”tmehoidjat. Mulle meenutas tulemus koera Lolo ja Pepe multifilmst. See oli kunagi mu lemmik!

Telefonikoti tegin, kui ostsin omale uue telefoni, mis enam nii vÀga uus polegi. Seal peaks olema kirsioks kujutatud. Ma isegi ei tea, kuhu see kotike mul jÀÀnud on, pole teda ammu juba nÀinud. Kasutusel on mÀrksa lihtsam heegeldatud kotike, must kollase ÀÀrega.

Kollane elevant on maisilĂ”ngast. Taaskord ĂŒks ĂŒlipehme ja mugav kasutada lĂ”ng. Mustri Sain Stephanie lehelt All About Ami, kes selle inglise keelde tĂ”lkis. Originaali autor on jaapanlane Chisachi Kushima. Ta on mul selline beebi siin, kellel veel kihvasid ega midagi veel ei ole. (:

Hello Kitty mĂŒtsid tegin esmalt oma paintballi tiimile ĂŒheks vĂ”istluseks. See oli 3-liikmeliste vĂ”istlus seega mĂŒts mulle ja kahele kaaslasele ka kummalegi oma. Neid nĂ€hes tekkis ka teistel soov sarnase mĂŒtsi jĂ€rele. Lisatellimustena tegin neid veel 3 jĂ€rgmisele tiimikaslasele pluss veel ĂŒhe lapsele ka. Tundub, et pĂ€ris popp teema sai neist kogemata. (:

See roosa rull oli minu teine rootsi pÔimingu katsetus. See rÀitke oli natuke vÀiksemate ruutudega kui tavaliselt, mis tegi asja tiba keerulisemaks, aga mis seal ikka. Seekord tuli selline. Materjal on mikrofiiber ja pehme.

MÔlemad ristpisted tööd siin on tehtud ajakirjade vahelt saadud nÀidistest. Kuna mull igasugune jaapani teema meeldib, siis ka see kokeshi pilt lausa kutsus. Valmis ta kaardina, mille kinkisin oma kallile kursaÔele Lindale. Paar ristpiste tööd tegin veel, aga need on ka juba Àra kingitud ja pilte ei paista taaskord olevat. :/

Siis on veel siin ĂŒks pisi-pisike ĂŒmbris mu iPodile ja lihtne sokike endisele töötelefonile. See neljaleheline ristikhein potis oli mul ka tolles kohas laua peal.

Kella ma tĂ”esti arvasin, et olen siin nĂ€idanud. See oli Crafteroo ajakira vĂ€ljakutse, millega ĂŒhinedes saadeti sulle pakk. Esialgu ei olnud teada, mis sealt tuleb. Alles pakki avades said teada, mis sind ees ootab. Minu tulemus siis selline. Kell on igati tubli ja töökas, kĂ€ib kenasti, kui aeg-ajalt patareisid vahetada.

Roheline karu oli ka kink vĂ€ikevennale. Temale endale olin mĂ”niaeg varem sarnase mĂŒtsi kudunud, nagu siin karul peas.

See Totoro on ĂŒks hiigel-amigurumi. Ma pole pĂ€ris kindel, aga pakun, et kasutasin umbes 5mm konksu. Ta on ĂŒle 30cm pikk. Istub mĂ”nusasti mu diivaniserval. Mustrina kasutasin siit seda suurema sinise oma.

Punase mĂŒtsiga jĂ€nes on ĂŒks eriti peen tegelane. Ta on tehtud sellest samast piimakiu lĂ”ngast, mida ka varem mainisin ja ĂŒhest villa ja siidi segusest lĂ”ngast. MĂ”lemad nii mĂ”nusalt pehmed ja luksusliku lĂ€ikega. Tal on liikuvad kĂ€ed-jalad ning ta oskab hĂ€sti istuda. Muster on see.

Halli öökulli tegin töö juurde amigurumi Ôpetuse nÀidiseks. Kasutasin seda lihtsat mustrit.

Selle all olev öökull on kĂ”risti, mis valmis ĂŒhele vastsĂŒndinud sugulasele. LĂ”ppkokkuvĂ”ttes lĂ€ks ta koos selle triibulise mĂŒtsiga, mis pildi all servas. KĂ”risti on tehtud 100% orgaanilisest puuvillast nign mĂŒts mĂ”nusast pehmest Pima puuvillast.

Origami Yoda oli jĂ€lle ĂŒks osa vĂ€ljakutsest. Pidi olema midagi paberist valmistatut. Minu arust tuli vĂ€lja kĂŒll. PĂ€ris ideaalne ei ole, aga Ă€ra tuntav igaljuhul. On ju?!

Rohekas-kollane jĂ€nku on jĂ€llegi minu tavapĂ€rase mustri jĂ€rgi tehtud, kuid muutsin takĂ”rvade asendit, katsetasin kikk-kĂ”rvu. VĂ€limus on ĂŒsna teine. Kuidas tundub, kas sobib nii ka?

Kauss, milles see jĂ€nes istub on samuti osa vĂ€ljakutsest – midagi helmestest valmistet. Kasutasin Hama helmeid, ladusin nad muffini vormi ja pistsin ahju. Natuke rikkusin sellega oma vormi Ă€ra ja tulemus polnud ka pĂ€ris ootuspĂ€rane. Ideed nĂ€gin kunagi kuskil Pinterestis. Noh, vĂ€hemalt proovisin.

Muffini.topsiĂŒmbris on Twinkie Chani mustri jĂ€rgi. Mul pole ĂŒhtki kruusi, kuhu ta sobiks ja eriti tihti topsiga jooke ei osta ka, seega pidin ta klaasi ĂŒmber sobitama. Sinna istus ĂŒllatavalt hĂ€sti. Ma isegi ei tea, miks ma ta tegin, aga see muster oli 48h jooksul tasuta saadav, seega ma lihtsalt lĂ€ksin vooluga kaasa. Üldiselt on ta ju pĂ€ris tore. Keegi endale tahab?

Selle nuku suuremat Ă”de peaks te olema nĂ€inud. Seekord kasutasin peenemat 100% orgaanilist puuvillast lĂ”nga. Konks oli arvatavasti 1.75mm. Selle sai kingituseks vĂ€ike tĂ€ditĂŒtar. Nii temale kui ta emale paistis see vĂ€ga meeldivat – minu heameel! ^_^

JĂ€rgmisena on nĂ€ha ĂŒks tassialus, mu elu esimene. Tahtsin lithsalt proovida. Seisab igapĂ€evaselt diivani kĂ”rval lauakesel ja kasutan seda oma pisikese pooleliitrise teetassi all tihti. Tegin teise teistes toonides ka. Seegi vedeleb kuskil ning leiab aeg-ajalt kasutust. Lisaks meenub, et tegin neid emale veel terve 6se komplekti jĂ”uludeks. Mustrit saab nĂ€ha siin.

Amigurumi kaheksajalg oli kingitus tÀdipojale. Ema soov oli, et ta oleks eriti vÀrviline ja mÔnus kÀes hoida.

Smurf lĂ€ks tollele samale kutile, kuigi valmis esimesest vĂ€hemalt aasta hiljem. TĂ”enĂ€oliselt rohkemgi. Lisaks sellele valmis ka Papa Smurf ning Smurfiina on veel tulemas. See on tegelikult ĂŒks vĂ€rskematest tegemistest siin. Nagu ka punamĂŒtsike-jĂ€nes ja elevants. Muster selline.

Karvane halli-vanaroosa vĂ€rvi asi on pits-tekk. See on ĂŒlipehmest mĂ”nusast lĂ”ngast. Hetkel seisab omanikuta, kui soovi, vĂ”ib teada anda!

Punase-kullakarva ruut on veel ĂŒks tassialus. Sellel on veel korgist kiht sees, kuna vaja oli midagi eriti paksu. Mu arvutilaual on selline veider kate, mis kuuma tassi all kummaliseks lĂ€heb, Ă”huke alus ei olnud piisav. Ma ei leidnud praegu selle ruudu mustrit ĂŒles, kui keegi on nĂ€inud, andke teada! TĂ€nud! (:

Fluffy Unicorn! Seda ĂŒkssarve on nĂ€inud kĂ”ik, kes on nĂ€inud multikat “Mina, supervaras”. Muster tuli lehelt Little Yarn Friends. Sulgede asemel kasutasin laka ja saba tegemiseks villaheiet ning paika sutskasin nad viltimisnĂ”elaga. Tema istub tavaliselt Totoro kĂ”rval mul.

Veel ĂŒks jĂ€nes – seekord lilla, virsikukarva kĂ”rvaga.

JÀrgmine on pÀÀstekoer Nublu. Tegin selle, kui PÀÀsteametis töötasin.

Muffin-karu oli kingitus sĂ”brale koolilĂ”petamise puhul. MĂ”ned aastad vana on ta juba kĂŒll, aga postitanud vist seda siia ei ole. TĂ”enĂ€oliselt pĂ”hjuseks jĂ€lle see kehv pilt.

Ja, ĂŒllatus-ĂŒllatus, veel ĂŒks jĂ€nes! Lilla, tellimustöö, Ă€ra kingitud.

Veel on kindlasti mĂ”ned sallid-kindad-mĂŒtsid, mille olen teinud ja Ă€ra kinkinud vĂ”i kasutusse vĂ”tnud ilma pildistamata. Ja kindlasti midagi veel neile lisaks ka. Kui tekkis millegi kohta kĂŒsimusi vĂ”i tahaks mĂ”ne asja kohta tĂ€psemalt teada, andke teada. Ehk teen siis pikema postituse! (:

19/31 – Bloo.

These are the things I have been working on lately. It was a colour-swap and my recipient asked for blue. First it was hard as I had practically no blue yarn at home. I gess I’m just the blue kind of girl.

Anywho. Another thing I was worried about was what else should I make becouse I didn’t want her to get just a box full of amigurumies. That would have been so expected and boring. I’m not saying that the final combo is anything particulary interesting but hey – I gave it a shot. At least its kind of variated.

First I made the pieces for the kitchen as she described it’s colour-sceme as  a hint. The potholders are from Drops Ice and Red Heart Eco-Cotton Blend  as the embellishments (shilouette of a sock on one and lettering “Sokike” on another as for her forum name which means “socky”).

Next I used Debbie Bliss Ecobaby Fair Trade yarn with Rowan Classic Luxury Cotton to make the coasters. I made them in two-coloured spirals. First I added a mustard trim but them removed it as it didn’t fit in my opinion. Looks cleaner and more blue without it.

The third item is the (store bought) towel decorated with swedish weaving. My second work but this time on a different fabric. This one has much larger squares on it so I had to use a bit bulkier yarn as well. I used Bio-Baumwolle organic cotton which is one of my favourites. For the trim I choose a much finer Cotton yarn (I never knew the actual company that procuces it – just says “Cotton” on the label – weird). The trim is from a book 200 Crochet Flowers, Embellishments and Trims and the swedish weaving pattern is from Undukas’ workshop handout.

Next I took on the amigurumies. The cat is made of  Drops Paris and Schachenmayr SMC Cotton Linen with 2.75mm hook. It’s important to use at least one size smaller hook than recommended because you don’t want the stuffing to show in the holes. For the dog I used the same Debbie Bliss Ecobaby Fair Trade yarn and added Schachenmayr SMC Catania. This time I used a 1.75mm hook. For both of them I used safety eyes and fibrefill. The cat got the free sample eyes that were the only ones I had. I think they fit perfectly. The dog has a safety nose but the cat has an embroidered one with some whiskers.

To write of the pattern, both of the creatures have the same body/head that my rabbits do. I lengthened the limbs and tail for the cat and shortened the ears. The tail is a totally different piece. For the dog the limbs are actually same as the rabbits, but I lenthened the tail and shortened again the ears (but not as much as the cats). If this even makes sence. Can you tell the similarities?

I bought a super silky-soft cotton-silk-viscose yarn that’s name I can’t put a finger on . I have to check it out once I get to my stash called Gedfira Top Soft. I decided to make some christmas ornaments of it. I made four and decorated them with felt, filled with fibrefill. They are became so soft and squishy and have a subtle shine on them. Plus they are totally safe and kidproof. I packed them into an origami box.

The last but not least is the pillow. It developed between everything else. In the meantime when I was figuring out what else to make or just to rest from everything else. I used up a whole skein (apart from the amount used on the potholders) of Red Heart Eco-Cotton Blend yarn. The patterns for the flowers are again  from the 200 Crochet Flowers, Embellishments and Trims book. I love it, by the way (mine is in Estonian though).

It was my first attempt of freeform crochet. It had always looked intriguing but I didn’t have the guts to put my hands on one of my own. It wasn’t so bad. I also bought some velvet fabric and a 40x40cm pillow insert and made it into a proper pillow then added the crochet piece on it. I think it was my first real pillow as well apart from the chair-cushion that I made in elementary school.

I also added a little letter for Sokike describing what I made, from what, why and how.

Be sure to take a look at her blog (in Estonian) as well. She has so many adorable pictures of the stuff that was in the package and of the package itself as well. The pictures seen here also belong to her. I will take a look on mine later and decide wether to post them here as well or not.

I still haven’t taken photos of my green stuff. I tried yesterday but nothing good comes out photographing in the dark. I like natural light and I decided to wait for some daylight. I just haven’t been home during that kind of time lately. Last weekend I wasn’t at home either and the next one is also booked. Maybe I’ll manage to squeeze some in saturday morning – thumbs up for that!

Another secret project is also waitiong for proper pictures and another swap project needs to be finished by the end of the month.

Have you ever participated in any swaps? Did you find it hard to make a present for a total stranger? Let me know what you think of the bloo stuff.

3/31 – Something Swedish.

As I missed my first day of blogging after committing to the challenge I decided I will post the 31 posts of october as frequently as possible. That is I already know I cant finish by the end of the month so I want to take a look and see how long will it make for me to post 31 posts.

For about the yesterday’s post I remembered I can’t post the finished product just yet as it is indeed for the advent calendar I have mentioned earlier before. I actually managed to finish it. It was a bit tricky to get the details in place but overall I think it now works quite well. But as I said you will see it some time later – probably in December before Christmas.

In the meantime I will keep posting my other work that has been more or less ready. Here is my first attempt on Swedish weaving. I made it in our local Isetegija craft forum’s birthday party. There was a workshop led by the lovely Undukas. I was thinking about trying it on my own as I already had all the materials needed but as the opportunity opened I just had to take it. I was quite pleased about it and am surely buying more of these kind of towels. I probably don’t need so many of them on my own but I will be glad to make them to others as well.

Large part of my work is actually for someone else as I really enjoy making a personaised item thinking about someone in specific.

It’s nothing too complicated or flashy but good enough for the first attempt and as some may already know – I like the simple stuff.

Have you ever tried Swedish weaving?

Who do you usually make your handmade creations for?