M is for Macarons.

In this case (as for llama too) I had no difficulties picking out what to make. In no time I choose macarons as one of my favourite sweets. It was a really fun and fast making that takes very little yarn so you can use almost all the yarn ends.


I used really different yarns for this one. Some of them really were the last bits of the yarn. I used pima cotton, organic cotton and mercerized cotton, also a cotton-acrylic blend. I really love how soft pima cotton is and that organic cotton is almost as soft. The mercerized cotton is really different with a smoother look and a shinier finish and is a tad stiffer to touch. The acrylic blend yarn was one of the last bits of it as I’m looking for more natural fibres lately. Again I used my 2.25 mm hook and stuffed them with wool. The pattern is from Yarnspirations. I like making my own but I also love use others if they fit my vision – no need to invent another bicycle as they say!


Although you can’t see them from the pictures, I also attached ribbons to the macarons so one could use them as accessories on a bag or as a key chain or why not as a Christmas decoration. The ribbon can also be replaced with a chain.

As they really came up so fast I just couldn’t stop with one, they needed to be in different colours (flavours). Also pictures-wise one macaron wouldn’t have looked half as nice as this pastel rainbow here. This is also the project, that some may or may not have figured, that used the yarn selection and was on a sneak-peek picture on Instagram.

Would you like a macaron? Or a few? Which flavour would you choose? Would you use it as a key chain or some other decoration/accessory?



A few weeks (maybe a month) ago my cousin asked me to make her daughter a hat. I had made one previously when she was practically a newborn (the one in the bottom middle here) but now there was need for another. She asked it to be an owl-shaped hat that would be half black, half pink (I took this photo practically in the dark under a lamp so it doesn’t really show correctly here and I don’t have the hat any more to try better it).

IMG_8194Another request of hers was that it had a lining so it would suit more for winter. I had this stretchy cotton fabric with floral print that I think suited just nicely. I used the yarn that I had for the first hat I made her – Katia Pima Cotton, an extremely soft 100% cotton yarn that I really like too. The hook I used was a 3.5 mm Clover Soft Touch. The beak is made of some other cotton yarn that I had just about enough left for it so of course I don’t have the label any more. Whites are made of acrylic, used this one first time here (although I bought it for another project). It’s called Red Heart Soft Baby Steps. It really is a rather soft fiber!

Next hat was also made as a request. Apparently it’s from a movie or TV series of some sorts. Colours were the  most important issue about this one. I even said to the guy who asked me to make this that I’m not really good at knitting and he replied that I can crochet it too, that would not be important.

IMG_8184After some research I decided to try and knit it anyway. I bought some Schachenmayr Cotton Time yarn and double pointed knitting needles suitable for the yarn (3.5mm) and started it off. It was kind of a challenge to myself. I tried to put as much time to it as I knew I would be slow but I managed to finish it much earlier than I thought.

IMG_8192I used to make pom-poms like this in kindergarten but hat to check online to remind myself exactly how. It was a little wonky at first but I got to even it up nicely.

I got to like the feel of this hat and wanted one for myself and wanted to make something light like this for myself as well. Apart from the ear flaps and the pom-pom. At first did try to crochet it but it still felt a bit bulky. I tried using a lacier patter but I didn’t really like the result either. So it happened – I voluntarily knit myself a hat.

IMG_8206I like the slouch and light feel of this hat. I had a long thought on the colours as well this is what I settled with. The yellow-green one is the same I used for my Great Firebreathing Dragon – Katia Degradé “Sun” 100% Egyptian cotton. This time the ombre effect finally really showed. I was thinking on using red for the currently gray line or red instead of the green on top but this is what I changed to in the last minute. I think this is how it’s supposed to come out this time. The gray one is Drops Muskat 100% cotton and the top green (a bit grayish) is a new 100% organic cotton yarn that I discovered for myself – Fibra Natura Cottonwood. The red I had a thought on was from the same line. I used the same needles as for the last hat here.

I added a pin I made at work one day, I think it suits just nicely.


Mõned mütsid, mis viimasel ajal valmidund. Esimene oli sugulase tellimus tema tütrele. Varem olin talle juba ühe teinud ka, kui ta oli veel pisem kui praegu (siin all reas keskmisel pildil). Nüüd siis neiu kasvanud ja vaja uut. Soov oli musta ja roosaga öökullimüts, millel oleks sees puuvillane vooder. Pilt natuke petab, kuna tegin selle sisuliselt pimedas, lambi all ja enam mul teda käepärast pole ka, et uuesti katsetada.

Lõngaks sobis sama, mida kasutasin ka eelmise mütsi juures, Katia Pima Cotton imepehme puuvill, millega on väga hea töötada. Oranž on ka puuvillane, ühe lõngakera viimane jääk, mille silti mul loomulikult enam alles ei ole. Seda valget kasutasin esimest korda (ostsin küll ühe teise projekti jaoks, mis ka pooleli juba), nimi tal Red Heart Soft Baby Steps. Akrüül, aga nagu nimigi ütleb, siis tõepoolest pehme. Konks oli 3.5 mm Clover Soft Touch selle töö juures.

Teine müts oli samuti tellimus. Kuuldavasti mingisugusest filmist või telesarjast. Kuigi hoiatasin ette, et ma pole väga osav kuduja, ja sain teada, et kuju ja värvid on kõige olulisemad, et võib ka heegeldada, otsustasin siiski end proovile panna ja vardad kätte võtta seekord.

Kasutasin Schachenmayr Cotton Time puuvillast lõnga ja 3.5 mm sukavardaid. Üritasin sellega võimalikult palju tegeleda, et ikka õigeks ajaks valmis sain, aga valmis sai ta oodatust palju varem. Nii ruttu, et otsustasin teise veel kududa – endale. Enne panin veel mütsile tuti ka külge. Alguses ei tulnud see karvapall hästi välja, kuna viimati sai  neid vist lasteaias tehtud, aga lõpuks tuli päris kena ja ümar.

Kuna mulle see müts kuidagi “istus”, tahtsin midagi sarnast endale ka. Aga no – teiste värvidega, ilma tuti ja kõrvaklappideta. (: Ta on selline mõnus pehme ja kerge. Proovisin esiti endale ka mütsi ikkagi heegeldada, aga otsustasin siiski kudumi kasuks, kuna heegelpind tundus ikkagi liiga paks ja raske hetkel. Proovisin ka õhulisemaid-pitsilisemaid mustreid, aga need ei sobinud ka hetkel. niisiis kudusingi endale mütsi. Tulemus on mõnus pehme ja kergelt lohvakas.

Värvide üle mõtlesin pikalt. Esimeseks valisin sama kollase-rohelise lõnga, millega tegin ka tuldsülgava draakoni Katia Degradé “Sun” 100% egiptuse puuvill. Seekord tuli ka värvide üleminek kenasti välja. Mõtlesin kasutada halli joone asemel punast või ülemise roheka tooni asemel punast, aga lõpptulemus on hoopis selline, nagu pildil näha – just selline, nagu ta seekord tulema pidi.

Hall lõng on 100% puuvillane Drops Muskat ning roheline Fibra Natura Cottonwood – uus orgaaniline puuvillalõng, mille enda jaoks avastanud. Kõnealune punane oleks olnud samast sarjast. Kokku kudusin nad samade 3.5 mm sukavarrastega, nagu eelmise mütsigi. Pärast esimest kandmiskorda sai müts ka endale viimase lihvi, väikse ümmarguse märgi.

Not So Valentine Teddy.

Here is a teddy bear from a pattern I had saved to make a long time ago. It belongs to Stephanie from All About Ami and is called the Valentine Teddy. I had just rediscovered my crafty side around that time and wanted to make this one but never really got there somehow. Last week I was looking through my pile of patterns searching for some I hadn’t made yet and found this adorable one.

I skipped the fuzzing part as I wasn’t sure it would work well with cotton but I think this fine fellow looks good anyway. I also didn’t add the heart as you may see. (:

I had some trouble with the bow tie (and it looks to me that mine is much larger than the original) but in the end I think it works as well. During whipping up the bits and pieces I wasn’t really sure how mine would begin the look and I was a bit doubtful about the colours and their contrast in particular but it ended up much prettier than I startet to think for a while. I really like the result actually!

I used my favourite Clover Amour 1.75mm crochet hook and 100% organic Schachenmayr Nomotta Cotton Eco yarns. I added bits of crafting felt and 6mm safety eyes to it. I first embroidered the muzzle on the felt and then glued it on the face. The hand and leg pieces I glued first and then embroidered as I wanted the stitches to go a bit over the edges.

He is another one of those I have made just for the fun of making. Unlike some that are for example commissions or presents etc (don’t get me wrong here, I really enjoy making them as well).

Last week there was also an order that I managed to finish on Saturday but can’t really show just yet as it hasn’t reached the recipient. Don’t worry, once it does you will see it too. It’s again adorable!

teddyEelmine nädal sirvisin oma salvestet mustreid ja õpetusi, et leida midagi, mida ma veel nende hulgast valmistanud ei ole. Leidsingi siis selle Stephanie blogis All About Ami saadaval olev Valentinikaru muster. 

Erinevalt originaalist ei teinud ma teda karvaseks, kuna polnud päris kindel, kuidas see puuvillase lõnga puhul toimiks. Südant ka nähtavasti ei lisanud.

Natuke raskusi valmistas see lipsuke, aga lõppkokkuvõttes tuli ta täitsa OK välja. Olgugi, et tunduvalt suurem, kui näidise peal. Uhke ikkagi ja tegevat ju šikiks ka! 😉 Osasid valmistades tekkis mul korraks kahtlus, kas ta ikka tuleb mul enam-vähem kaubandusliku väljanägemisega ka, sest need tükid tundusid nii kummalised kohati. Samuti tekkis mul kahtlus oma värvivaliku suhtes – kas äkki liialt kontrastsed toonid said valitud? Kõike seda kokku pannes mu hirmud ja kahtlused vaibusid, kuna tulemust näete isegi – täitsa normaalne karu! (:

Valmistamisel kasutasin oma lemmikut Clover Amour 1.75mm konksu ja 100% orgaanilist Schachenmayr Nomotta Cotton Eco puuvlillast lõnga. Lisasin veel 6mm turvasilmad ning tükikesed käsitöövilti. Koonuosa tikkisin esmalt ja siis liimisin näkku, käed-jalad aga kleepisin kõigepealt ja alles seejärel tikkisin, kuna tahtsin, et need mustad kriipsud läheks veidi üle ääre. 

Valmis saigi siis selline karu, kelle tegin lihtsalt tegemise rõõmuks. Üsna palju asju olen teinud ka tellimustööna, kuid see ei tähenda, et ma protsessi vähem naudiksin. Mulle tõesti meeldib neid teha! ^_^

Ühe teise looma sain tegelikult veel nädalavahetusel valmis, aga ma ei saa teda veel näidata. See valmis kingituseks, aga pole veel omanikuni jõudnud, seega hoian teda veel saladuses natuke aega. Aga õige pea! 

Birds from Winter.

I think my new job is not supporting my crafting very much. I get home hours later and the time in the evenings is rather limited. I’m also not the kind of person who’d just wake up earlier than I really need to. I’m trying to do my best and fit as much of my projects in the time I have as possible.

Last weekend I had my aunt and his family visiting. 5-6 people is a lot of crowd for our small flat. But we fit and everything ended well. Although I was really exhausted of it as on Saturday I woke up at 6am and got to bed around midnight if not a tad later. The next morning I again got up around 8.30am. The last part of the guests left around 2pm after which I just threw myself on the sofa and fell asleep.

I didn’t even feel like crocheting while I was awake I just sat there until later in the evening I made a little visit to the local supermarket and bought some stuff to make a soup. It was really simple with cabbage, potatoes, carrots and meatballs with a little dill. I really like my soups as they are not too fatty or salty or spicy – just the mild taste that I like.

We visited a fair where I bought some smoked ham and an organic cookie mix. As it had rained it got a little wet and I had to make the cookies sooner than I intended. That happened when the soup was ready. They came out oh so light and rather delicious. I also bought an organic honey soap but that was about it.

We saw there a lot of crochet and even amigurumies and my aunt asked why I didn’t sell my stuff there. The thing is I think I don’t have enough. And I don’t think myself of that much of a sales person. I have thought and dreamed about it still. Perhaps one day I will.

My little cousin was in his stroller for the whole time and as he also had woken up at 7am he fell asleep almost as soon as we got there and woke up as we were about to leave. He got his ice-cream cocktail though after which he said he is very cold. Luckily we were just getting in the car by then. Even I have got cold from an ice cream, what of a little body like that!

His older brother had a karting competition at the same time. He got 5th on the first day and 3rd on the second but got the overall 2nd place of his class in all Baltic states. Good job!

I have been driving between the port for two weekends but on the next one I might just go on a boat myself again. (:

So to the crochet. This was one of the last projects I cooperated in one of our local craft forums. I have still been reading and looking others’ pictures over there but one day it kind of hit me again a little. I feel like it’s supposed to be an inspiration source for all of us crafters but somehow it seems like an exact opposite over there.

I know I have written about it more than once so I’ll rather not go there once more (though I already did a bit). As said this is one of the last ones to work-along in there, regardless the one-year-long project that you have to make one project in different tehcniques each month. I’ll finish that too and then it’s it.

I think I have posted some projects from there here as well but didn’t mention the fact that they were a part of a work-along. I think I’ll at least put them all together in a jumbo-post at the end of the year.

Anyways, here is my bullfinch. The work-along was called “Winter Birds”. I had an alternative idea of a buzzard that was regularly visiting my parents garden but that didn’t work. I didn’t have the right colours and I am really trying not to buy any more new yarn. It has worked for the most part. I think I need some black cottons though.

I really like how it came up.  I wanted to keep it really simple and amigurumi-like. The buzzard in my mind was more a realistic variation  but this red belly here looks just so adorable. They also say that his body kind of reminds the Angry Birds’ – that was not intentional. He’s not angry at all!

It is the most basic amigurumi ball with some colour changes and additions. I started from the top of the head with black Katia Revive recycled yarn, worked on with super soft all natural corn fibre Rosarios 4 Pop Corn yarn and added the safety eyes between the colour changes. I finished him up with some off-white organic cotton (I thought I had used that brand a lot but I still can’t remember the name or see any reference on my posts – will have to look it up). I used the same yarns on his beak, tail and wings (the grey is also Katia Revive) as well.

The legs are obviously made out of pipe-cleaners. I don’t think they are actually white in reality but at least the look fits for this one.

He stands up nicely and is just is adorable to look at.

For all of my new readers (and the regulars too) – check out my FB page as well – I’m trying to make it more timely and topical.

I also just figured I should keep my post shorter and more concentrated. It’s a constant learning in progress here – we’ll see it improving. If you have any suggestions feel free to share! 🙂


Olen täheldanud, et uue töö kõrvalt ei ole mul enam nii palju aega heegeldada. Tööajad on hilisemad ja õhtutunude jääb väheseks. Samuti ei ole ma ka inimene, kes ärkaks varem üles kui just hädasti vaja ei ole. Võtan ajast seda, mis on, tahaks teha rohkem kui jõuan. Annan endast siiski parima ja proovin kõik oma plaanid ja ideed teoks teha.

Eelmine nädalavahetus oli rahvarohke. Tädi käis oma perega külas. 5-6 inimest on me väikese kahetoalise jaoks natuke liiga palju. Aga mahtusime ära ja lõppude lõpuks olid kõik rõõmsad.

Magada sain küll vähe, kuna laupäeva hommikul oli äratus 6.30 ja magama sain alles südaöö paiku või veidi peale. Ka järgmisel hommikul ärkasin 8.30 jälle üles. Siis kohe ei tundunudki väga hull, aga paar tundi edasi oli jälle natuke zombi olla. Kuui viimased külalised umbes kella 14 paiku ära läksid, jäin lihtsalt diivani peale magama. Ei olnud isu arvuti taga istuda, ei heegeldada, ei midagi. Ei jaksanud. Telekas mängis, aga väga ei mäleta küll, mis sealt tuli.

Alles õhtul läksin poodi ja tõin kraami, et teha suppi. Frikadellid olid olemas, lisaks sai progand, kapsas ja kartul. Selline klassikaline ja lihtne väikese tilli lisandiga. Mulle meeldivad mu supid – ei ole liiga rasvased ega soolased ega vürtsised ega midagi. Mõnus mahe köögiviljade maitse.

Pärast supi valmimist tegin veel küpsiseid ka. Laupäeval käisime laadal, kust sai soetatud tükk suitsusinki, üks meeseep ja orgaaniline küpsisesegu. Viimane sai kahjuks natuke alt nurgast märjaks ja seega kasutasin ta igaks juhuks ruttu ära, ei näinud ju, mis seal põhjas oli. Väga hullu ei midagi, tuli välja. Aga küpsised tulid ka head – õhkõrnad ja krõbedad.

Laadal oli heegeldisi ja amigurumisid ka näha üsna mitmeski telgis. Tädi küsis, miks ma seal ei ole. Võiks ju, aga ma arvan, et mul peaks selleks ikka kõvasti rohkem asju olema. Oleks rohkem aega ja kõike. Oh, oleks. Eks näis, võib-olla jõuan kunagi sinna maale ka. Hetkel ei näe veel endas sellist müüjapreilit.

Väiksem tädipoeg oli ka ärganud kell 7 ning jäi magama pm kohe kui laadale jõudsime ja ärkas just siis kui olime lahkumas. Oma soovitud jäätisekokteili sai lõpuks siiski kätte. Mis tegi vaesel poisil, aga olemise päris jahedaks. Autosse jõudis kurtis koledasti, kui väga külm tal on. Õnneks sai siis juba sooja ka. Isegi olen tundnud, kuidas pärast jäätise söömist külm hakkab, mis veel tal väikesel siis.

Suurem tädipoeg sõitis samal ajal kardiga. Teise päeva õhtuks sai kõkkuvõttes baltimaade 2. koha tulemuse. Esimese hooaja kohta ikka väga tubli sõitja!

Lõpuks siis ka heegeldamisest, siis see on üks viimastest koostegemistest Isetegija forumis minu joaks. Otsustasin juba ammu, et need ei ole minu jaoks. Kunagi liitudes lootsin sealt leida inspiratsiooni, kuid õige pea avastasin, et tujurikkujaid ja igatepidi vastupidi toimivat on seal minu jaoks liiga palju. Ise kaasa tehes on seda veel eriti hästi märgata. Siiani olen küll teiste töösid edasi vaadanud, kuid hiljuti avastasin, et ka nii märkan demotiveerivaid asju seal enda jaoks. Ma ei tea, miks ja ma ei taha enam selle peale mõelda.

Olen juba ka maininud, teen selle aasta tegemised lõpuni. Viimane ongi aasta lõpuni kestev koostegemine, millega liitunud olen. Avastasin, et olen siia juba ka postitanud selle nime all tehtud projekte, aga ei maininud teemat. Aasta lõpus plaanin kindlasti kõik 12 tegu kokku võtta ja ühise suure postituse teha.

See leevike valmis siis koostegemise “Talvelinnud” raames. Teine plaan oli teha hiireviu, keda maal aias see talv korduvalt näha võis. Aga kuna mul ei olnud sobivat lõnga ja ma tõesti püüan rohkem mitte juurde osta, siis tegin leevikese. See oli ka esialgne plaan, enne kui hiireviud kohtasin. Viimase oleksin teinud realistlikuma, leevike oli aga vaimusilmas alati selline ümar pall.

Kõige lithsam amigurumi pall on tema kehaks. On juba mainitud, et meenutab Angry Birdsi. Aga see lind ei ole vihane, täitsa sõbralik ja lahke kohe. 

Tegemist alustasin musta Katia Revive ümbertöödeldud materjalidest lõngaga. Punase kõhuosa jätkasin Rosarios 4 Pop Corn naturaalse maisikiust lõngaga. See on lihtsalt ülipehme ja mõnus lõng. Üks kindlait lemmikuid. Lisasin turvasilmad värvide vahele. Lõpetasin ökoloogilise naturaalset valget värvi puuvillase lõngaga. Olen seda marki palju kasutanud, aga nimi ei püsi endiselt meeles ja blogist ei leidnud ka ühtegi viidet. Peaks selle järgi kontrollima ja lõpuks meelde jätma. 

Nokk, saba ja tiivad (hall on ka Katia Revive) on samadest lõngadest tehtud. Jalgadeks on ilmselgelt karvased traadid, millele ma õiget eesti keelset nimetust ei oskagi hooga panna. Õnneks peaks olema hästi näha ja aru saada. Tegelikult leevikeste jalad vist nii valged päris ei ole, aga minu meelest sellele siin täitsa sobivad. Minu meelest näeb ta täitsa tore välja. 

Kõikidele ja uutele ja ka pikaajalisematele lugejatele – vaadake ikka mu FB lehekülge ka. Üritan sinna hakata rohkem päevakohasemat infot jagama. 

Mõtlesin ka, et peaks oma postitused lühema ja konkreetsemana hoidma. See on üks pidev protsess siisn minu jaoks. Ma loodan, et tulemused on kõigi jaoks aja pikku silmaga näha. Kui kellelgi on veel mulle tähelepanekuid blogi või ükskõik, mille kohta, võib vabalt arvamust avaldada! (:

13/31 – A Pot of Flowers.

This is one of those patterns that I stepped on, saved it somewhere and one day just had to make. I didn’t follow the pattern just the day I discovered it (sometimes happens) but it stood there. Lately I have been wanting to make my own designs more although this one was finished quite a while ago. Maybe even in spring. Some patterns/designs just look so adorable that it makes me want the same kind of thing. Usually I try to make some specialities in there as to make it my own but as for this particular plant I almost accidentally used the originalish colour scheme as I used the yarns I had in my stash. The pattern is from Lion Brand but you have to register to see it (both the pattern and the registration are free).

I used 100% organic cotton yarns for the flowers, the yellow is 100% merised cotton and te leaves and ‘dirt’ just plain 100% cotton. The pot is 100% acrylic. The result was pretty much as I expected. I think every time I follow a pattern my expectations are pretty high. Not sure if the pattern was easy enough (to follow) or was it just pure luck – I ended up pretty much the same pot as on the picture I first looked at. Chuffed to bits about it!

I constantly remember or discover things I should make. I really hope the majority of them really gets done. It might take some time and effort but in the end I know I would be really pleased with myself if I manage to finish everything I plan.

As for the missed blog days it’s really going as I expected – not really active at weekends on that part. I am trying to stay off behind a computer as much as possible and the weekend let me do that a lot. It’s just a sporty interest for me to discover how many post I manage to make until the end of October (since 5th and not ‘pushing’ too much or making pointless posts). From then on I’ll see when I’ll finish my 31 posts that should have theoretically been fitted in one month. I’m looking forward to.

Last weekend I finished one tiny commission. It still needs capturing and possibly I will blog about it among some other similar makings which are all a follow-up to a previous design of mine. Any ideas?

Thought I’d remind you to also follow my blog and see if you like my Facebook page as well! 😉

10/31 – Something Old.

I found out I hadn’t posted these little critters here yet. Maybe it’s because they are kind of tiny and weird. I made them all in same sort of acrylic yarn for quite some time ago now. The yarn feels some different kind of soft maybe a bit like microfiber. I also used different kinds of wiggly eyes. This was the time when I didn’t even have any safety eyes as I have seen none in the local shops.

The blue one is some sort of elephant, the green one is a frog with a creepy smile and the peach one is perhaps a mischevous pig-girl. As you can see I attached the chains on all of them so you could hang them on keys etc. There really is nothing much I can say about them. That might also have been the reason for not posting sooner. These creatures just are and there really is nothing more about that.

Do you like them? Should I make more of them tiny weirdos?

PS! Don’t forget to check out my Facebook page. 😉

8/31 – Jellyfish.

I had seen many jellyfish around various crochet blogs and always thought they seemed kind of fragile and gentle. Just like they are in RL. When Isetegija forum had a workalong for blue-white-red sea themed characters, this was one of my two creations. As usual I made it up as I worked on. The white trim is from a book of Claire Crompton “200 Crochet Flowers, Embellishments and Trims”.

I had hard time finding a way to photograph it but finally ended up as shown above. I hung it on the lamp and the greenish wall of our rental flat created a nice Baltic-Seaish backdrop. The result was much better than I had thought. Do you like it? I never took it down so it’s still hanging on our living room lamp shade.

To be honest at the beginning the sea theme and the colour scheme attached to it didn’t seem like me at all but at the end I finished to projects. I was surprised and pleased with both of the results. The other project you will see in next post.

Stay tuned!

7/31 – Home For My Hooks.

This one was another thing that just sat there for awhile – unfinished. I tend to do that. Usually it goes like this – buy some awesome new yarns, get excited, work on a piece the whole evening, go to sleep, forget about the item for days/weeks. Is it just me?

As I’m not with my yarn stash at the moment I’m trying to remember which brands did I use. The green should be Rowan Fine Milk Cotton (70% cotton, 30% milk protein). It feels really soft and snuggly. The grey shade is I think Rowan Purelife Organic Cotton (100% organic cotton) – again the organic cotton just feels different and special. Unfortunately they don’t make either of them any more. The red/brown tone is Rowan Purelife Revive (recycled cotton: 36%, recycled silk: 36%, recycled viscose: 28%) which I also used on one of my bunnies. This one is a bit more stark but looks and works great as well. I’ll take a look and see if I was wrong on any of the yarns.

I used the croched seed stitch for the main part and finished it up with a flowy lace trim. I had questions wether to crochet the inside or use a fabric I stuck with the last. I was afraid that maybe the finer hooks would poke through the crochet surface. Was I right?

Sorry for the small and crappy cuality picture as I said I’m not with my yarn stash I’m also not with my pictures. I took it from the web where I once put it (they don’t allow high cuality pictures there sadly). I finished during a work-along themed “finishing unfinished projects”. I also made it thinking it would help me not losing my hooks. As far as I have noticed – it doesen’t. I still tend to keep my hooks in WIPs and there really is too many of them. I am trying to finish them all up as well but two new projects take the place of one finished one. Maybe it’s not so bad or maybe not always but sometimes. It’s more common with large and boring things. Amigurumies might not take less time than some of the other stuff that are larger but they are tricky. I kind of like it as the motoric crocheting-all-the-same-pattern is tiring. Seems obwious now that I make tiny little things huh?

How many unfinished projects do you have at the moment?

6/31 – Elk Head Trophy.

This is one thing I made last February. Again it was for my lil’ bro. He’s kind of a hunter so it seemed appropriate. It was also designed to be a key chain but as I used the shield-shaped back he decided to hang it on a wall.

I’m not into hunting animals or killing in other purposes as food (which would be essential for living and only normal thing to create a food chain). As much as I don’d like growing animals for killing but that’s yet another topic. Anywho I decided to make him this – a kind of trophy that actually looks more kawaii and less creepy. Which do you prefer – real animal trophies or amigurumi?

It’s once again made of Bio-Baumwolle organic cotton yarn. I really love it – so soft and easy to work with. I also have another kind of eco-cotton that is a bit finer and I like that one just as much. They just feel completely different than any other kind of yarns.

As the recipient got home with it my dad (also a hunter) wanted me to make more so he could give them away to his fellow huntsmen. So I did. None of them looks exactly the same but there is a theme. I shall post the others in another time.

The trophy could also be used as said a key chain, charm or maybe even a Christmas ornament – you can even add a little santa’s hat or the red nose as for Rudolph.

This one was made in 4 pieces – head, muzzle and two ears however I later worked the muzzle and head in one piece. Worked out pretty much the same.

I was actually quite surprised how well i had worked out.